Welcome to pinpointppc!
A summary of our what, when, how and why. Aka the origin story!
11/25/20242 min read
Uff! Another "digital marketing agency", am I right ? We feel you. But if you stick around for this short read I am sure you will be left with something to remember us by. And if not, do share your thoughts with us (we love constructive feedback as much as the other person but request you to keep it above the belt so we attack the problem and not the person)
Our What : We are digital marketers specializing in performance marketing across Search Engine Ads, Social Media Ads, Mobile App Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads and Native Ads across various business goals and stages of the marketing funnel.
But here's the thing, the success of a performance marketing campaign depends on so much more than just running ads on the above channels.
That's where we come in! Our expertise in performance marketing spans all areas that are interlocked with it. This includes :
Digital Marketing Strategy, Media Planning & Buying, User Acquisition & Retention, Lead Generation, Campaign Execution & Optimization, AB Testing, Branding, Conversion Rate Optimization, Funnel Optimization, Reporting & Analysis, Creative & Content Ideation.
Whew,,,,that's a mouthful.
Our When : This agency vision has been an itch waiting to be scratched for a long time (kind of like a will they, won't they moment). But given the scale of this industry and the skillset to match it, we decided to replicate our success, learnings and ideas with brands no matter what stage of the journey they are in.
Our How : Over a period of 8 years, our founder :
Has worked at 3 of the world's renowned agencies plying his craft with B2C brands across various industries, geographies, sizes, budgets, objectives, and markets. (some examples include BFSI, Restaurants, Telecommunications, Real Estate, Consumer Goods/Appliances)
Has worked with 2 leading B2B SaaS brands in the martech and software development space where he scaled the global performance marketing channel to increased quality leads and also owned pipeline and revenue targets, while embracing the startup mindset by working in multiple areas inside and outside of the marketing function.
Being on both sides of the spectrum, we understand work culture from both a brand and an agency perspective. It helps us to be more efficient by dealing with challenges, proactively suggesting ideas that can help the marketing function and reducing common blockers.
Our Why : Last but certainly not the least, our vision is to have a pinpoint (hehe) focus on one significant area of digital marketing as we can back it by years of experience. Performance marketing may seem like a black box that commands a lion share of the marketing budget, but when used efficiently it can produce wonderful outcomes. It all starts with a plan using the 80:20 rule, doubling down on successful initiatives, and learning from what could be done better.
Full Disclosure : Nothing in this article was written with AI. While AI is amazing at what it does and we definitely like using it, we want to make this experience feel human where it matters, when speaking to you.
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Performance Marketing
Digital Marketing Consultation
Data Analysis & Reporting